I had the wonderful opportunity to do a portrait of Robin's two beautiful Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. I was so sad to hear of Bailey's passing recently and asked Robin to share about Bailey for this #MemorialMonday for the #PetStoryProject.
"Rest In Peace my beautiful Bailey. Now you can run and play and breathe free without difficulty. I wish I could have 10 more years with you.
November 17, 2010 - December 31, 2020
She was my first female dog
She was Bailey and Bails
She was Bailey Boo and Bailey Boozer
She was Boozer and The Booze
She was my lap buddy
She was my little shadow
She was my “problem child”
She was needy because she wanted all my love
She was devoted because she wanted to give me all her love
She was silly especially when enticing her brother to play
She was hungry at all times and always made sure I knew it was meal time
She was always ready for Cavy Kisses and tummy rubs
She was always excited to make new friends...man, woman, child or animal
She was not a fan of baths nor going outside in the rain
She was never afraid of the vacuum
She was adorable as she wiggled her diapered butt
She was beautiful, sweet, loyal and loving
She was my little girl
She was my heart... but now,
She just was... she will be loved and missed forever."
I was interested to see how her surviving dog, Baxter was handling the absence of his playmate, Bailey. Robin shared that "Baxter is finally coping with her loss. We’ve developed new traditions where he’s getting all the loving and he likes it. He has moments where he still looks for her but I think he understands."