One of the best things about social media is reconnecting with friends from your childhood. My friend Andrea lived down the street and around the corner in my neighborhood. I still remember many warm summer days riding my bike to her house and having tons of fun playing in her pool. At the start of this project, she shared a picture of her dog, Daisy, who is evidently a wonderful cuddler. She also mentioned that she still remembered my dog, Bootsie. I thought that it was really wonderful that after all these years, she still remembered my dog - and his name. Dogs really do connect us and evoke powerful memories. Bootsie was a wonderful, goofy Lhasa Apso (who had some questionable habits due to our failure in training) but I loved him dearly. Anyhow, thank you, Andrea for sharing a picture of your sweet Daisy for the #PetStoryProject. I am so glad we are connected via Facebook and got to share such fun childhood memories.